Tuesday, May 20, 2008

SIA master of spin

SIA yesterday had its inaugural Airbus A380 flight from Singapore to Japan but the flight didn't end up in Tokyo Narita as planned but instead was diverted to Nagoya due to bad weather.
The Singapore carrier has been sending out press releases announcing every first A380 flight in an effort to drum up free publicity.
But what to do in the case of the Tokyo service? After all, does a PR hack really want to send out a press release highlighting that passengers have been inconvenienced and sent to the industrial city of Nagoya rather than to Tokyo where they were suppose to be headed?
Solution. Completely ignore the troubled Singapore-Tokyo Narita flight and instead highlight the return leg Tokyo Narita to Singapore.
SIA today sent out a press release headlined: "Singapore Airlines flies inaugural A380 flight from Tokyo."
It makes no mention of the Singapore-Tokyo leg that was diverted yesterday to Nagoya due to bad weather.
And technically Tokyo-Singapore is not SIA's inaugural Japan service but that doesn't seem to matter SIA's PR department.
Don't let the truth get in the way of good puff piece as they say.

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