Sunday, February 24, 2008

Singapore airshow has dearth of commercial aircraft

The Singapore Airshow 2008 is both a civil and a military airshow but you wouldn't know it going by the aircraft on display in the static display area.
The Airbus A380 (MSN 001) was certainly impressive and dominated the static display because if its size.
But the only other commercial aircraft on display was a Britten-Norman Islander, a tiny aircraft that only seats 10 passengers. Talk about going from one extreme to the other.

What was predominately on display was business jets and military aircraft.
Don't get me wrong. The selection of business jets on display was impressive because there were aircraft from the likes of Bombardier, Embraer, Hawker Pacific and others.
And the US and Singapore military was out in force with an impressive line up of fighter jets as well as a Boeing B-1 bomber and some military transports such as the Lockheed C-130.

But - because I am a journalist that focuses on commercial aviation - I was really hoping to see more commercial aircraft.

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